Gebruikt WEINIG high speed planing line Hydromat 30 XL

WEINIG high speed planing line Hydromat 30 XL

Weinig high speed planing line 150 m/min with destacking, infeed system and outfeed system with a...
Jaar: 2018
Gebruikt 2018 LEDINEK Superplan 2V-S300

LEDINEK Superplan 2V-S300

LEDINEK high speed planer, type Superplan 2V-S300 Manufacture year 2018 Machine specifications ...
Jaar: 2010
Gebruikt 2010 REX Supermaster - 4/31-K

REX Supermaster - 4/31-K

REX high speed planer, type SUPERMASTER - 4/31-K Manufacture year 2010 (left hand version) Mach...
Gebruikt WEINIG Hydromat 30XL (150 m/min)

WEINIG Hydromat 30XL (150 m/min)

WEINIG high speed moulder, type Hydromat 30 XL Machine specifications: - Planing width 30 - 300...
Jaar: 2019
Gebruikt WEINIG planing line Powermat 2400 with bundling and stacking

WEINIG planing line Powermat 2400 with bundling and stacking

WEINIG planing line Powermat 2400 with bundling and stacking Manufacture year 2016 / 2019 Weini...
Jaar: 2007
Gebruikt WEINIG Powermat 1000

WEINIG Powermat 1000

Weinig moulder, type Powermat 1000 Manfucture year 2007 Machine specifications: - Planing widt...
Gebruikt WEINIG Hydromat super 30-B (180 m/min)

WEINIG Hydromat super 30-B (180 m/min)

WEINIG high speed moulder, type Hydromat Super 30-B Machine specifications: - Planing width 300...
Jaar: 2003
Gebruikt WEINIG Unimat 1000 Star

WEINIG Unimat 1000 Star

WEINIG moulder, type Unimat 1000 Star Manufacture year 2003 Machine specifications: - Planing ...
Jaar: 2009
Gebruikt 2009 REX Bigmaster 1100-W

REX Bigmaster 1100-W

REX wide planer, type Bigmaster 1100-W Machine specifications - Working width 50 - 1100 mm - W...
Jaar: 2011
Gebruikt KÄLIN Industry-HQ 4-670 2AF-EX

KÄLIN Industry-HQ 4-670 2AF-EX

KÄLIN wide planer, type Industry-HQ 4-670 2AF-EX Manufacture year 2011 Machine specifications ...
Jaar: 2005
Gebruikt WEINIG Unimat 23E

WEINIG Unimat 23E

WEINIG moulder, type Unimat 23E Manufacture year 2005 Machine specifications: - Planing width ...
Jaar: 2007
Gebruikt LEADERMAC Thundermac 523

LEADERMAC Thundermac 523

LEADERMAC moulder, type Thundermac 523 Manufacture year 2007 Machine specifications: - Planing...